Patients and Physicians Speak Out
Prior authorization burdens negatively impact patients and health care professionals around the country every day. Explore their stories and share your own experiences to make your voice heard on the need to #FixPriorAuth.
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Yes, just last year I needed knee surgery. The insurance made me go through 2 weeks of resting it then 3 weeks of physical therapy plus a fluid removal attempt. All this before I could even get an MRI that my ortho doc with 40 yrs experience knew I needed in the first place. After the MRI I had to wait 2 more weeks for approval. From start to finish I was laid up 4 months and even lost my job because I ran out of FMLA. Now I have a wrist injury and I am not going for treatment because I really like my new job and I am afraid to go through it all again.
I went almost two weeks without long-acting insulin and two days without even short-acting insulin waiting for prior authorizations. This landed me in the ER 3 times and sent me into a pancreatitis flare. And wasted about 3 hours of my doctor’s time to get insulin. This was not new either; I have been diabetic since I was a kid, so about 25 years. They also made me switch what kind I use, and that caused my sugar to be out of control for weeks, even after I finally got the insulin, while I determined my correct bolus dose of the new insulin.
Share Your Story
Have you ever gone to the pharmacy to fill a prescription only to be told that your insurance company requires approval before they'll cover your treatment?
Have you ever waited days, weeks or months for a test or medical procedure to be scheduled because you needed authorization from an insurer?
Are you a physician frustrated with the administrative headaches and their impact on your patients?
Have prior authorization delays caused you to take more sick days, be less productive at work or miss out on day-to-day life?
Share how prior authorization has impacted you, your loved ones or your patients to draw attention to the need for decision-makers to address this issue. Your voice can make an impact.
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Use the buttons below to explore how prior authorization impacts both health care professionals and patients throughout the country.
My children have [a health plan] which required prior authorizations excessively and has resulted in my children going without needed medication which they had a history of taking previously. My 15-yr-old then spent 48 days inpatient between 4 hospitals due to a serious neurological condition. On two occasions, he was denied medication prescribed by his specialists. I could not afford to pay out of pocket so he went without needed medication. I don’t think my son’s medical specialists should be second guessed and overridden by an insurance company.
My daughter was diagnosed with refractory generalized epilepsy by the neurologist she has been going to for 13 years. Last month we were denied a routine checkup and EEG because our insurance changed her doctor to "out of network". They expect my daughter to reestablish care with a new "in network" neurologist. When I appealed they denied it because my daughter is currently in remission. It has been VERY frustrating! I can't wait to get my new insurance plan next month!! Hopefully she can get the appointment she needs with the neurologist who knows her history and who has successfully managed her seizures! The system is BROKEN and harmful and way TOO expensive! Uggh!
I take Humira for ulcerative colitis. Last year I had to get prior authorization to continue taking it. It took SIX WEEKS of back and forth with the health plan and my provider. I had to get my employer involved. The health plan out-sourced the specialty drugs and pointed fingers between them and the company as to who was demanding the documentation. It took me about 3 months to get back on track with my remission.
My insurance company approved partial knee replacement surgery. The hospital wouldn't even consider it without prior authorization. Six months later, the hospital called to warn me - the insurer wasn't paying. Denied. I was left with a $70,000 bill I never would have elected.
I was denied injections for pain in my back, lost my job without them. Finally got surgery 8 months later. Had to do PT while I had L5 slipped out over S1 and 3 places of stenosis and a nerve cyst. I was almost reduced to crawling by time of surgery.
My mother had pancreatic cancer and underwent the Whipple procedure during her extensive chemo. They recommended she get Marinol due to her violent episodes with vomiting and nausea and nothing was working. During one such episode she went to the emergency room and the attending physician gave her a prescription. It took 3 days to get the prescription filled. In the meantime, she was vomiting and extremely nauseated for over 72 hours because it needed prior-authorization. She was unnecessarily violently ill for 3 days just due to a prior authorization; it is ridiculous. The doctors are overwhelmed, and it serves no purpose. The insurance company would kick it back time and time again.