I'm a breast cancer survivor. I live in a rural area in southern Illinois.The red tape I go through is insane, especially to obtain my breast MRI each spring that's ordered by my breast surgeon. It scares me because if my cancer does return, I want to be able to begin treatment as soon as possible, without waiting to wade through a bureaucratic mess.

– Jane M., Illinois
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Have you ever gone to the pharmacy to fill a prescription only to be told that your insurance company requires approval before they'll cover your treatment? Have you ever waited for days, weeks or months for a test or medical procedure to be scheduled because you needed authorization from an insurer? Or are you a physician frustrated with the administrative headaches and their impact on your patients?

Please tell us know how prior authorization has impacted you. We are looking for stories from patients and physicians to highlight and draw attention to this issue that is impacting the health of so many Americans.

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