Prior authorization may not be a bargain for you or your employees.
The “cheap” option may end up costing you more—and at the expense of your employees’ health.

Health plans tout prior authorization (PA) as a cost-saving measure to employers, but they may not be disclosing the full consequences of PA on your bottom line or your employees’ well-being. When an employee needs medical care, they turn to their physician. Unfortunately, PA requirements force physicians to contact the health plan or pharmacy benefit manager to get approval for certain treatments before they can administer care. Your employees can wait days, weeks, or even months for approval;* worse still, they may not receive any care if they abandon treatment or the insurer denies the PA. Result? Your employees’ health suffers, potentially leading them to take sick days (absenteeism) or be less productive at work (presenteeism).

Among surveyed physicians who treat patients currently in the workforce, more than half (53%) report that PA has interfered with a patient's ability to perform his or her job responsibilities.*At the end of the day, PA isn’t “cheap” when it interferes with maintaining a healthy, productive workforce.

Prior authorization may increase health care costs in the long run.

The care delays, abandonment, and denials related to PA can lead to significant negative clinical outcomes for your employees. In fact, nearly one in four (24%) of physicians report that PA has led to a serious adverse event, such as hospitalization, disability, or even death, for a patient in their care.* If your employee ends up in the hospital, PA ends up hurting your bottom line—and more importantly, the health of your workforce.

Are you getting what you pay for with health care benefits? Learn more and speak up!

You do your best to provide employees with an affordable benefit package that ensures access to medically necessary care. But PA can prevent your employees from being able to use the benefits already paid for via subsidies and premiums. What is the value of health care benefits if your employees can’t receive timely care—or are forced to pay for treatments out of pocket?

Health plans agreed to make changes to improve the PA process several years ago, but surveyed physicians report sluggish progress on these reforms.* Now is the time for employers to demand transparency from health plans on the growing impact of PA programs on the health of their workforce.

Learn more about how PA affects your employees’ health today.

Share your story

Have you ever gone to the pharmacy to fill a prescription only to be told that your insurance company requires approval before they'll cover your treatment? Have you ever waited for days, weeks or months for a test or medical procedure to be scheduled because you needed authorization from an insurer? Or are you a physician frustrated with the administrative headaches and their impact on your patients?

Please tell us know how prior authorization has impacted you. We are looking for stories from patients and physicians to highlight and draw attention to this issue that is impacting the health of so many Americans.

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